Performance Tune-up

A speed up for your device can be a quick fix, if you know where to look.


Devices slow down. They start glitching. Sometimes it’s just from age but it can often be from overheating, a lack of software updates, and many other issues. Troubleshooting can feel overwhelming if you don’t know where to look, but Clean Slate Tech can turn hours or even days of troubleshooting into just minutes.

Performance is complicated

Slowdown and crashes can be caused by countless things from out of date drivers to loose wires. The most common culprit is overheating, but with so many factors at play your device could even be suffering from multiple issues. Online guides aren’t usually very helpful either, since this is more of a step-by-step troubleshooting job that requires knowledge about how all the different “parts of the clock” work together.

Get a second opinion

Reach out to us for help so we can optimize your device to its best potential. We’ll take care of everything for you and get it running better in multiple areas, not just dust it out and call it a day.