How to use AI in your life, or avoid it

AI is quite the hot topic as of late. It is changing many things and is starting to have an impact on all our lives. But something not enough people are talking about is how you as a user can add it to your workflow, or how to stay free of it intruding on you. Clean Slate Tech is happy to help both those wanting to find practical solutions using AI and those who wish to minimize the use of AI in their life.

As AI is a complex topic, we provide consultations that help your personal workflow via an appointment to best understand your lifestyle - so please contact us for a professional consultation.

Using AI

There are things AI is good at and others it struggles with. Language processing and image generation has come quite far, but inaccuracies are still prevalent. Whether you’re wanting help or entertainment from a company’s AI, or would prefer to host one yourself, there’s plenty of options available. We can help you get setup and provide some basic lessons on how to use a variety of both chat and image generative models.

Avoiding AI

For those wishing to minimize the amount of AI in their life we help out with this too. Minimalism is a passion of ours, and it’s always a good idea to ask “do I need this feature?”. If the answer is no, then it’s best to turn it off. But sometimes the off button isn’t so easy to find, or the service you use has decided to go all-in on AI. Let us help you take back control of your digital life.

Want a personalized consultation? Contact us! 😁