Wedding photos recovered from deletion by a scammer

My favorite job so far has been the recovery of a couple’s wedding photos on a hard drive that was completely erased. Not only was saving their photos an emotional joy, but it also can help be a lesson to make backups of the stuff that matters most. We love helping people find backup solutions that work best for them, and do the hard work for you getting it setup cheaply with flexibility.

You need a backup solution today

Some backups may be better than others but at the end of the day you should have at least SOMETHING. While it’s true that data can sometimes be salvaged even after being deleted, it’s not always guaranteed. It’s always a good idea to have your data backed up on at least one separate drive, either physically or in the cloud. Both is even better. Getting help organizing your data may be something you’d like, given it can be easy to lose track of where everything is on your computer. We’re always happy to help you tell your digital stuff where to go. Once you have everything sorted how you like it, backing up everything will be quick and easy.

Ready to backup your data? Contact us! 😁